Quick Create

This is the quick create plan feature.

On click of ‘Quick Create’ (highlighted in image below), you will be redirected to the ‘Subscription Plan’ page as shown below in image.

Here,you can create a subscription plan in 3 easy to go steps that are explained below. Also, there is a toggle button provided on the top right side of the screen (which toggles between ‘Subscription Plan’ and ‘Manual Subscription’ page)

Steps to create a subscription plan:-

Step 1:- Enter the plan name for recognition, this name is just for the app's internal process. To assign the products to the plan click “Add Products” so as to open the product picker . Here we have given the flexibility to the merchants to either assign the plan to the whole product or to any of the desired variants. Also, the picker has multiple product /variants select options. Finally ,click on ‘Add ‘ button after selecting the desired items.

Additionally, merchants can also create a new product for the active store and add it to the subscription plan by clicking ‘Create a Product’ . Fill inputs for the given fields as shown in image below and click on ‘submit’ finally.

Step 2:-To add the frequency plans(selling plans) in a plan, click on ‘Add Plan’ button as shown below

Then, fill the ‘Subscription Details’ section fields explained below

Frequency Plan Name:- There are two types i.e. ‘Pay As You Go ’ & ‘Prepaid

Pay As You Go : ‘Pay As You Go ‘ is a flexible billing plan that bills your customers for whatever billing frequency you select. For example, if you set up a Monthly Pay As You Go Subscription plan, your customer will be charged every month until the plan is cancelled. In this type, a new order will be created for every delivery by deducting the amount from the user payment gateway automatically.

Prepaid : With the Prepaid plan type, you are able to bill your customer in advance for multiple periods in the future. For example, with the Prepaid Length set to 12 Months and the Delivery Every set to 1 month, you can bill the customer for 12 Months of deliveries upfront and the cycle will go on until the customer subscription is ended.

Starts On : The date that frequency plan is shown to your customers under delivery frequency options on the product page of an online store.

Bill Every : For ‘Pay As You Go’ plan type, Enter how often you would like to Bill your customers in this plan. For example, if you select Bill Every 3 Months, your customer will be billed every three months.

Prepaid Length : For Prepaid Plans, if the Prepaid Length set to 12 Months and the Delivery Every set to 1 month, you can bill the customer for 12 Months of deliveries upfront.

Delivery Every : For Prepaid Plans, the number of deliveries that will be made to the customer in the defined Prepaid Length. For example, if you set “Prepaid Length” to 12 Months, and “Delivery Every” to 3 Months, you will be delivering to your customer every 3 months.

Auto Renew : If this box is checked, the plan will automatically renew at the end of the subscription.

Offer Discount : By setting this toggle ‘on’, Discount can be applied to every selected product individually for the plan. There are two types of discount Fixed and Percentage. If merchant select the Fixed discount then that fixed amount will be discounted from the product price. If merchant select the Percentage discount then that percent of the discount will be applied on the product.

Free Trial : By setting this toggle ‘on’, customers will be allowed to order products in this plan for free on their first order. Subscription will be billed immediately after the specified free trial period. All other plan settings will apply.

Minimum Billing Cycles : Minimum number of billing iterations you want to bind your customers with, before they can cancel their subscription. Default value is one (the very first billing iteration).

Maximum Billing Cycles : Maximum number of billing iterations that will be fulfilled as a part of the subscription plan, after which it will automatically expire.

After filling the Subscription Details fields, click on ‘Add plan’ button and then on ‘Submit’ as shown below

Step 3:- All frequency plans will be listed under the ‘Frequency Plans ‘ section as shown above . You can add more frequency plans by clicking the “Add Plan” button. If you need to edit the already added frequency plan then simply click on the “edit” icon.To delete the frequency plan,you can click on delete icon. Finally , to save all the changes , click on the ‘Submit’ button .

While editing a plan, Don’t forget to save the changes by clicking on the ‘Save’ button for that particular plan and then after all updates are done, finally click the ' Submit’ button to submit all respective changes made to different frequency plans.

Preview: You can get the idea of the display on the product page from the preview area. Note: - Image & Prices may or may not be precise. On the website, Prices will show the relevant data as per the product price & the frequency plan discount.

Points To Note:

  • At least 1 product is mandatory in a plan.

  • A maximum of 31 frequency plans can be created in a plan.

  • All the created plans will show in the subscription widget on the product page(online store) as shown below in image. Plans for the specific product will be available in the dropdown options as shown below in image.

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