Subscription Listing

Table List view gives all your Subscriptions.

  1. Show Entries box

    • You can set the number of subscriptions per page displayed in the table form

  2. Search box

    • You can get specifics from the table by entering the search keyword as a reference to any of the column names.

  3. Edit & View

    • To view the complete subscription or to update it, click on the desired table row view or edit icon as per your wish.

  1. Apply Filter

    • You can filter the list on the basis of the fact whether it is generated through customer checkout , for this select Subscriptions from the dropdown list . For subscriptions generated by merchants ,select Manual Subscriptions from the dropdown list . Choose All for listing both Subscriptions and Manual Subscriptions together.

  2. Add New Subscription

    • On click of this button, it will navigate you to the Subscription Plan page where you can create subscription plans for the products.

  3. View/Update a Subscription

    • To view or update a subscription, select the respective view icon or edit icon under the ‘Manage’ column.

Subscription Update

Steps to update the subscription

To update any section(Customer, Subscription Details, Shipping Details), you can click the ‘Edit’ button as highlighted in above images

Updating Customer Details

Merchant can update the customer's First Name, Last Name, Email, phone. After changes, click the ‘Submit’ button to save the changes. Merchants can also update Payment methods of customers by clicking on the ‘Request Update’ button shown below . ON click, an email will be sent to the customer for the same.

Updating Subscription Details

Merchant can update fields like Next Billing Date(i.e. When the next order will be generated),Minimum Billing Cycles, Maximum Billing Cycles, Bill Every, Prepaid Length, Delivery Every, Auto Renew etc.

Updating Subscription Products

Merchants can update subscription products, add new products to subscription, delete a product, update price/quantity of a product . After updating the product item , click the ‘Submit’ button to save changes.

Updating Subscription Status

Merchants can update subscription status to active, pause or cancel as shown in image below.

Updating Shipping Details

Merchants can update shipping details like First Name, Last Name, Address 1 , Address 2, Phone, City, Zip, Delivery Shipping Price etc.

While updating a subscription, Merchants can also see many of the following features:-

  1. Upcoming Orders

    • This option will be visible in “Pay As You Go” type subscriptions only. All the upcoming orders to the date will be listed here. For future dates, you have the feature to either Skip Order(skip the order) & Order Now (attempt earlier billing for a particular date).

  2. Completed/Past Orders

    • All the previous orders to the date will be listed here.

  3. Skipped Orders

    • This option will be visible in “Pay As You Go” subscriptions only. Orders that you gave skipped in upcoming orders will be listed here.

  4. Scheduled

    • This option will be visible in “prepaid” subscriptions only. All upcoming fulfillments of the current prepaid cycle will be listed here with postpone & Reschedule feature. Postponed fulfillments will append to the last of the current prepaid cycle. Reschedule will set the respective fulfilment to the new input date.

  5. Open

    • This option will be visible in “prepaid” subscriptions only. All active fulfillments(i.e the ones whose fulfilment date has arrived but have not yet been fulfilled) of the current prepaid cycle will be listed here.

  6. Closed

    • This option will be visible in “prepaid” subscriptions only. All fulfillments(i.e the ones which are fulfilled already ) of the current prepaid cycle will be listed here.

Last updated